Colt actions are rebuilt using genuine parts or perfect counterparts. We prefer originals, as the parts are higher quality. We don't work on Italian clones, have no parts for them. Your action can be "slicked up" to be smooth and crisp, WITHOUT using piano wire springs or grinding the heck out of the internal parts. My policy is to use only factory weight springs. Their attachment screws can be used to adjust tension, and you will be surprised how nice the actions feel. My goal it to build an action that is safe and reliable. If you want a "race" action, there are many individuals who will accommodate you throughout the country AND ACCEPT THE ASSOCIATED RISK OF CATOSTROPHIC CYLINDER and FRAME FAILURE, OR BLOW UPS!
Slick up an action...................................... $ 225.00
Slick up and time the action, less parts.. 250.00
Front sights replaced to factory spec............ $300.00
Front sights rebuilt with weld.................. 300.00
Ejector studs replaced, hard soldered........... 350.00
Barrels removed................................................. 50.00
Barrel fitting, includes ejector tube.................. 350.00
Cut and crown barrel...................................... 200.00
Crown barrel....................................................... 125.00
11 degree forcing cone cut............................... 40.00
Flutes re-contoured, ground and polished
to first Gen spec.......................................... $600.00
Bevels ground and polished to spec on first and early second gen cylinders. NOT AVAILABLE ON THIRD GEN CYLINDERS ..............................................400.00
Locking notches machined, per notch............ 75.00
Approaches machined, per cut........................ 35.00
Ratchet point rebuilt and milled, per point. 70.00
Base pin hole drilled for long bushing ......... 350.00
HAMMER WORK Note - SECOND GEN hammer notch repair requires extra work, add 25 dollars to cost.
Hammer repair backlog out to 60 days- 1-25
3 Notches rebuilt and milled.............................. $350.00
Single notch ...........................................................125.00
Firing pin installed, specify type........................ 60.00
Hammer roll installed......................................... 50.00
Hammer cam installed, lock fit, no glue............ 100.00
NOTE: Hammers are rebuilt by using TIG welding. If a notch fails within one year of repair, we'll fix it free.
TRIGGERS Rebuilt with hard tig..................... 140.00
Bisley trigger............................... 200.00
Top strap replaced, new blank welded and
milled to original specs, undetectable ........ 1000.00
Dovetail fills...................................................... CALL
Rear sight slot rebuilt and milled with "V"..... 300.00
Front base pin screw hole filled and re-tapped. 350.00
Crosspin hole filled, new front screw hole
milled and tapped, like first Gen..................... 500.00
Prep and polish frame for casecolor................ NA
For nickel finish................................................ NA
Antique nickel finish........................................ 375.00
Case color available for individual parts. Call
Modified to first style.................................... $450.00
Modified to second style................................. 350.00
Polished to specs, specify period....................... NA
Rod heads sharpened up and polished............. 75.00
Polished to spec, SA, per pair......................... NA
Bisley guard....................................................... NA
Bisley Backstraps.............................................. NA
Solid, one piece walnut grips, cut exactly like
the originals, sharp or round spacer, not glued or
pinned together!
Modern blank, 100% inletted, fitting required $100.00
Old walnut from barn beam, 150 years old....... 150.00
Fitted to your gun, sanded across metal......... 600.00
Fitted by sanding ABOVE metal to protect
blued or nickeled surfaces with mask................ 800.00
Oil type military finish using Tru oil...................100.00
Add $200 for piano finish.
One line address, several styles....................... 150.00
One line address for open top........................... 150.00
Two line addresses............................................ 150.00
Long caliber marks, such as Frontier Six
Shooter, Bisley Model, ..................................... 150.00
Short caliber marks, 38 WCF, .......................... 75.00
Patent dates, several styles.............................. 200.00
Rampant pony stamp, two styles........................ 175.00
Small caliber marks, 45 Cal, 44 Cal,................. 50.00
Individual inspector numbers and letters........... 20.00
Complete number sets, per line......................... 60.00
Cartouches for grips.......................................... 50.00
Please send only parts that have been finished off to remove any surface hardening. DO NOT SEND PARTS THAT HAVE BEEN WELDED OVER FOR STAMPING UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN ANNEALED FIRST! If a weld is rolled over or struck without annealing, it usually damages the die. You will be charged for the replacement of the die if this happens! $1000 PLUS!!!
I have available the finest etchings for the FRONTIER SIX SHOOTER for the SA and model 1878.
Frontier Six Shooter, two styles................... $300.00
Roll dies or hand stamps can be created for your special project or need. Die makers are in my area and work closely with me to insure the most accurate and sharp work available. Call and we can discuss your project.
Barrels, new manufacture, duplicate old originals in every respect, including "skinny"
rifling, the finest available or your money back. Available in 45, 44-40, 38-40, 32-20 and .22. Complete with correct roll die markings in white...MINIMUM STOCK
Barrels must be fitted here to your frame. Include tube. frame and cylinder for proper fitting. Sight alignment guaranteed. (.22 and .32 currently sold out)
Cylinders, new manufacture, 4140 or mild steel, configured to period of manufacture. NEW MANUFACTURE, NOT ITALIAN REPRO'S. IDENTICAL TO ORIGINALS, VERY HIGH QUALITY.
Cylinders, same calibers as barrels. MIMIMUM STOCK
Cylinder pins, exact copies of black powder
cylinder pins, guaranteed, white ........ 45.00
Cylinder pin as above, FIRE BLUED....................50.00
Genuine Colt cylinder bolts, when available...... 100.00
Original trigger springs.........................OUT OF STOCK
Please note that sales of individual parts will be limited.
Internal parts are available on a limited basis. Call for any special needs.
BUYING PARTS! I will always buy original parts, and will take them in trade for services. I pay the highest prices around, so give me a call if you have good original FIRST GEN parts, no junk wanted please.
Phone 216-780-3729